Saturday, May 30, 2009

Preparations for Kenya are going well. Praie the Lord! I have almost all of my financial support, hopefully I can give you an estimate by Tuesday. Thank you so much for your prayers. I have faith that God will answer them. I want to give you a little more insight into what we are going to be doing while we are over there. (I will give exact flight times hopefully be Monday) We will be flying out of raliegh on the 14th. from RDU we will stop in Dulles in Washington, DC. We will then head across theAtlantic and land in London. we will have a 12 hour layover there, and we will get to travel into the city and explore for a bit! That evening we will be heading out to Nairobi, where we will take a 6 hour van ride to Choimim. Origionally, we were going to spend the night in Nairobi. However, due to the Flight change, we will not be staying in Nairobi.

We will be doing many things in Choimim. Our trip leader, Damon davenport, will have us in several schools doing different activities for the children. we will be doing story telling, games, soccer, and dancing. I will be helping out with soccer games, ad I am helping with the dancing team as well. I will get to work with the choir there, and teach them dancing movements to songs. I am so excited about that. Of all people, I never imagined me teaching through dance! When we will not be working with the kids, we will be painting, taking shifts at the hospital and orphanage, and visiting with the locals.

I cant believe I am only two weeks away from leaving! Please pray that my passport and visa come in. Those have been obstacles lately, and I need them in soon! Pray that my team is safe while we are there, and pray for the people we come into contact with while on the trip. God is so mighty, I just know that great things are going to happen! Thank you for everything you are doing, Praise the Lord!