Friday, September 12, 2008

O Mirror

O mirror
Why do you look at me this way? Without any mercy or kindness.
Why do you focus only on my ugliness and forget about my beauty?
You have the worst way, O Mirror.
You never saw anything in me. I looked in you and couldn't find anything at all. Only a hole.
We didn't have a very friendly relationship with eacother did we?
I wanted to be your friend, but you mocked me.
I saw you every morning, and we came in contact quite frequently throughout the day.
I could not look at you without being miserable. Why do you hate me, O Mirror?Why do you have such a cold in your eye?
Will you not see that things have changed? Will you not see that the ugliness has been washed away?
I have a new face that Someone made me, and you will not let me see it.
I wonder why I look at you sometimes anyway. Why I focus on you so much at all anymore.
I should focus on The One who made my new face instead of gazing at a reflection of my old one.
Why can't you see that everything is different now? I am not tied down to you anymore, my chains have been set loose. Yet here I am, again, failing to focus above and sitting here staring at you. When will I realize it's not about you?


Kristina Weeks said...

oo! oo! oo!

muy bien! me gust mucho!!!!!!!!!

Amanda said...

Word! ;)