Thursday, December 18, 2008


Just a couple of updates:

I got accepted to Elon University. I haven't visited but it sounds like a great place to go, so I am excited to visit in the next couple of months. UNC will give me a decision on January 20th, so I am waiting on that as well.

Senior project is over. So pretty much, all of my hard work is over. This is thrilling to me.

I need you to pray for a couple of things, so please, stop right now and talk to God for a bit about these things.

My church in Cary is planning on going to Kenya in July. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go, but, I want to be lead there by the Holy Spirit, not out of selfish desire. Pray that I have an open and teachable heart these next couple of months, so that I can hear God's calling for this summer.

My friend Devin is in Algeria this week. He is planning on being a missionary there in as soon as a year from now. Pray that God will give Him discernment to scope out the land, and that he will be like Caleb and Joshua, that when he scouts out the land he can trust in the Lord for the work to be done. Also, pray that he will receive a visa if its God's will.

Just a couple of updates and prayer requests. Thanks guys :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Help me

O God
Hear my cry for help
I don't know what to do
I am so torn
what is wrong
what is the matter
I didn't think it was this
but it is
Do I take what they give me
Is it your will?
Should i have enough faith to cure this without it?
Don't remain silent to my pleas
I love you
You are bigger than this
Help me

I'm done

with senior project!
it's over
over over
what a big weight off of my shoulders.
now i can calm down about my schoolwork.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Opposite Way by Leeland

Living in the same town
for all these years
Doing the same old things
hanging with the same crowd
and it's starting to get crippling
you never felt in place
and you tell yourself it's all okay
but something's different today
you want to run the opposite way
and it seems like you're locked in a cage
and you need to find a way of escape
when everyone's setting the pace- it's okay to run the opposite way

and the Father sent his Son down
the Light of men
the cross he bore was crippling
rejected in His own town
and they couldn't see the Sun shining
He knelt in the garden and prayed
Father let this cup pass from me
It's not Your will for me to stay
Your will for me is the opposite way

and it seems like He was locked in a cage
and He couldn't find a way of escape
but through the cross He conquered the grave
my Jesus ran the opposite way

Oh, and through the cross He conquered the grave
Oh, He ran the other way
Yeah, through the cross He conquered the grave
So you could run the opposite way

Saturday, December 13, 2008


did you see the sunset tonight?

It was bliss. The sweet yellow sky with ribbons of luscious reds and rosy pinks across the sky. Extraordinary blues and majestic purples and lavender clouds dancing across the horizon. Out of all of God's creation, the simplicity of a sunset is one of my most treasured. Its beauty cannot be captured, and if only I could paint a picture of it! But, to paint a picture would ruin its magnificence, for there aren't any paint colors that can match the beauty of the real thing. Oh, if they only lasted longer so I could stare at God's design just a little bit longer. But alas, then I wouldn't appreciate its wonder nearly enough. It capturs me with its stunning appeal. Perhaps tomorrow I will wake up to see the glorius sunrise, only so I can praise the God that made it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Throwing convenience out the window.

can you picture it?

Jesus Christ is walking along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Its early morning time, with the sun just past the horizon, making its way up into the sky to shine on the earth for another day. He is walking along, not much to look at, really. In fact, he would probably walk right by without anyone noticing Him. It's an average day, you are on your way to the shore yourself, as you and your brother prepare for another days work, you two are fishermen, you see. You watch the sun slowly creep higher into the sky as you toil, gathering the nets to get them ready to be thrown into the sea. Perhaps today will be a good day, you think. Maybe it will bring an unexpected amount of fish, enough to pay for a few essential items that have been on your mind lately. You and your brother talk, conversing to pass the time as you go on about your day. You have a LOT of work to do. You start casting out your nets, eagerly hoping that fish will come. And then, so ever slightly, something grabs your attention. You see this man walking toward you and your brother. He calls the both or you to come and follow Him, and learn how to be fishers of men. You are not sure who he is at first, as you study him to conjure up a memory of why he would be calling for you. And then, suddenly, no-supernaturally, a light bulb goes off in your brain. This is they one they call Jesus.

I have been reading out of the book of Matthew this past week and a half. I am reading it slowly, and I am approaching with a completely different set of eyes. Thomas recommended that I read it and study it, and that is exactly what I am doing. It is amazing to see what God is teaching me through this book. His Word intrigues me, with an almost child-like fascination, and even though I want to read it all quickly, God in His glory is allowing me to read little by little and get things out of His word that I never have before. Take chapter 4, for example. After Jesus fasts for 40 days and 40 nights and is tempted by the devil, he left Nazareth and traveled to Galilee, where he began to preach. He told the people to repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near (vs. 17). Matthew writes that wherever Jesus went, crowds followed Him, and miraculous events took place, and people were healed of their diseases. I think that Simon Peter and Andrew had followed Him, too. I think that they followed Him in a limited sense. Whatever happened, what faith they must have had to leave their nets that day that he first called out to them. What stuck out to me is that they left their nets immediately (vs.22). They didn't clean up or put anything away. They didn't return home to prepare. They simply followed Jesus. It must have been rather inconvenient for them. They must have lost a lot of money an fish that day after they left their boat in the water with their ns intact. But instead of going about their day, and making a profit, they left everything behind them to follow the one whom they called Jesus. They threw convenience out the window, and went on the wildest ride of their life.

So, back to that day. There you are, speechless at the event that just took place. You look at your brother, and he peeks over at you, and for a moment no one speaks. The Bible says that they left everything they had and followed their Savior. What would you do?