Thursday, December 18, 2008


Just a couple of updates:

I got accepted to Elon University. I haven't visited but it sounds like a great place to go, so I am excited to visit in the next couple of months. UNC will give me a decision on January 20th, so I am waiting on that as well.

Senior project is over. So pretty much, all of my hard work is over. This is thrilling to me.

I need you to pray for a couple of things, so please, stop right now and talk to God for a bit about these things.

My church in Cary is planning on going to Kenya in July. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go, but, I want to be lead there by the Holy Spirit, not out of selfish desire. Pray that I have an open and teachable heart these next couple of months, so that I can hear God's calling for this summer.

My friend Devin is in Algeria this week. He is planning on being a missionary there in as soon as a year from now. Pray that God will give Him discernment to scope out the land, and that he will be like Caleb and Joshua, that when he scouts out the land he can trust in the Lord for the work to be done. Also, pray that he will receive a visa if its God's will.

Just a couple of updates and prayer requests. Thanks guys :)

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