Monday, January 26, 2009

Pros and cons

OK, so I am debating between Gardner-Webb and Elon University. I tend to make better choices when I mak pro/con lists, so here goes:


  • Wide range of majors
  • Pretty campus
  • Christian groups on campus
  • amazing food (4 different eating halls with everything form Buffets to greek food to delis)
  • nice dorm rooms
  • wide array of area churches
  • Lots of intramural sports
  • a ballroom dancing club
  • excellent work out facilities
  • everything i need (salons, stores, walmart) all within a 5 mile radius
  • 1 1/2 hours away from home
  • 25 minutes away from friends at UNC and UNCG
  • 1 hour away from Corey at liberty
  • several singing groups
  • koppertops (volunteer organization that focuses on therapeutic horseback riding)
  • habitat for humanity
  • 60 different study abroad locations for me (including Kenya!)
  • adopt-a-grandparent!
  • low cost 24/7 clinic on campus
  • medium size classes with access to professors
  • tradition
  • great freshman programs
  • 25 minute drive once a week to afrotc classes
  • Not a christian school
  • expensive

  • Christian SChool
  • Small, nice environment
  • lake
  • small class sizes
  • worship center on campus
  • everything in walkingdistance
  • boiling springs is a small, one stoplight town (literally)
  • Campus police on call, escort you to you dorms late at night, ride segways, kind
  • allwoed to have car all 4 years
  • Small
  • low variety of majors/programs
  • not very good food
  • everybody knows everybody
  • feels kind of like high school
  • 4 hours away from everybody
  • one stoplight town
  • not much to do on weekends
  • dorms not very good
  • 1 hour drive once a week to afrotc classes
thats all for now. i may edit this later.


Anonymous said...

This was a great idea, I might do it too. If I were choosing between the two, I definitely know which I like better. But I'll keep that to myself cause I don't want to taint your decision lol cause it really doesn't matter what I think.

you are refreshing.

Kristina Weeks said...

idk why but i laughed as i read this. not at what you were writing, but because you are my friend and i would never think to make a pros/cons list and it's nice to know we have differences :) does that even make sense? whatev. love you!

code=thjil.....sounds like thai food.

Amanda said...

lol, I'm going to go ahead and taint it up! Because I know my taint and the reason for my taint won't affect your decision at all, it'll just make me laugh and think of blue eyes.

bahaha - I think a big fat ELON!! bahahahahaha, because you forgot one big PRO - and he has a name and pretty blue eyes! ahahahaha and I'm making your wedding plans, or mine, one or the other (KIDDING! hahaha). ok, I just want to visit you all the time! :) :) :)

code - bierstio - made me think I was speaking spanish, haha.

Barman said...

Wow! Nice post! That's why I love your blog. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

a blue eyed boy... hmmm ;)

my word was lebra, i guess that's like a zebra

Amanda said...

I'm cheering for Elon. There will be so many opportunities for witnessing at a non-Christian school. And you'll grow more, I think. And you'll be close to me. That's important ;]

the code is marmhsub-- it sounds like a chewing noise