Monday, April 6, 2009

Updates Cont'd

** this blog is quite sloppy, just warning you! Just a couple of quick updates for those of you who have been praying for me!

The future is drawing ever nearer and now, thankfully, a bit clearer(rhyme?). In June, the 14th to be exact, I will be flying into Nairobi Kenya, and from there I will be taking a 6 hour van ride to a rural village called Chomin. I still have to get my shots for that trip, yes! We will be going during the rainy season. There are 16 of us on the team, and I believe I am one of the youngest to go on the trip. While there, we will be working in the orphanage, school, and hospital. Yesterday was our first official team meeting, and in the middle of the meeting, it hit me. I am traveling to Kenya. Africa. it is for real. More on Kenya later.

I am going to Elon University this fall. In fact, in a couple of weeks I will be at freshman orientation!I am waiting on the air force Scholarship (4-17-09) to let me know. I still don't know what I want to do. But I mean, What an answer to prayer all of this has been! Thank you so much for praying for me, it is so encouraging to see the power of prayer throughout this entire process! Well, more on this later too.

As for what's been going on in the present, this semester has been such a blessing. It has been a pretty easy load. I am in a musical this spring, Once upon a mattress. and it's about the old nursery rhyme the princess and the pea. I am the evil queen aggravain. Ha! you should come-it is May 14, 15,16th at the high school. Come and see me being an evil scheming diva.
I am reading Matthew. I am in chapter 3 now, and I am learning about John the baptist. I am recertifying my CPR so I can be a lifeguard this summer.

and that is all for now. More details to come, I promise:)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

"In June, the 14th to be exact, I will be flying into Nairobi Kenya, and from there I will be taking a 6 hour van ride to a rural village called Chomin."

When I read this I thought of the story I wrote! haha.

But I'm excited for you! :) My family got your letter today. :)