Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oe last update

SO you all know about my preparations for my trip to Kenya. I leave on Sunday, June 14th. I get back on the 25th. By the 30th I will post pictures and a journal I kept while there. I am taking this time to let you in on other parts of my life, as there are a few things you might not know.

I received a 4-year type two Air Force ROTC Scholarship. Praise the Lord! What that means is, The Air Force is giving me $87,000 to pay for classes, tuition, etc. It does not cover room and board, however, Elon has agreed to pay for it because I got the scholarship. I will also get a monthly stipend of $350 starting in October. On Thursdays I will commute to NC A&T to take a military science class to fulfill my duties to maintain the scholarship. After I graduate, I owe four years of service to the Air Force. In my opinion, that's a fair trade. God is so great, He has really provided for me. He is so faithful and true, I definitely do NOT deserve His grace.

Graduation is tomorrow! I almost forgot to include that bit of information. High School has flown by for me, and I can hardly believe I will never Step foot on CHS as a student again.

I finally found a summer job. I am the smoothie girl at Woodall's Fitness off of Highway 42E. I start after I return From Africa. Come by and buy a smoothie from me:)

I move in to Elon on August 28th, and classes begin on the 1st. I am still undecided on a major, but that's OK, this means I can explore!I find out my rooming assignment as well as who my roommate is on July 1st. Pray that we will be able to have a good relationship and that God will be Glorified in it. I don't know who she is, so she could be a christian, or perhaps she is not. Either way, I will share my faith with her so pray for courage.

Thanks again for all of your prayers and support! I can't wait to tell you all about Africa and how these next few months work out.

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