Monday, November 3, 2008

My Personal Statement for UNC

Ok, so I told Amanda I would put my personal statement that I put on UNC' s application up here. I almost regret writing it. I mean, it was optional. However, it's too late to take it back. O well. The Only good part about it is that I found an opportunity to mention my relationship with Jesus.

p.s. An alternate title should have been, What was I thinking?!

My Name is Ashton Lynn Coats. Who am I …really? I am a hard worker. One of the hardest
Workers you’ll ever meet. I never give up, never quit, and never back down. I am outgoing. I am the daughter of two Air Force Veterans, and they have instilled in me self control and discipline. I am a girl, a person, a friend. Give me a chance, and I will show you what I am made of. UNC Chapel Hill can give me an education that I can take and change the world. Maybe I’ll be the president, or a schoolteacher, or an
astronaut. Maybe I’ll be a millionaire, or maybe I’ll be living in Kenya in a hut one day. The thing is, I don’t know what I am going to be when I grow up, but at UNC I can choose how to start. I am a quick learner, a quick adapter, and I am quick to help others. I have a heart, and Jesus Christ, my best friend, fills it up. I love sunflowers and soccer and pizza. You don’t know me, but you have the opportunity to. I will not let you down.

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to tell you my heart, and attempt to describe myself on

ok, so i hope this gave you a good laugh. haha.

1 comment:

Kristina Weeks said...



ps this word verification was funny it's "grabugg"