Saturday, December 13, 2008


did you see the sunset tonight?

It was bliss. The sweet yellow sky with ribbons of luscious reds and rosy pinks across the sky. Extraordinary blues and majestic purples and lavender clouds dancing across the horizon. Out of all of God's creation, the simplicity of a sunset is one of my most treasured. Its beauty cannot be captured, and if only I could paint a picture of it! But, to paint a picture would ruin its magnificence, for there aren't any paint colors that can match the beauty of the real thing. Oh, if they only lasted longer so I could stare at God's design just a little bit longer. But alas, then I wouldn't appreciate its wonder nearly enough. It capturs me with its stunning appeal. Perhaps tomorrow I will wake up to see the glorius sunrise, only so I can praise the God that made it.


Anonymous said...

Mistake number one: Believing in your invisible friend, God.

Mistake number two: Extrapolating this belief beyond the mental home.

Mistake number three: Making a fool of yourself with the above two.

Ashton Coats said...

"Yes, and I am willing to look even more foolish than this, even to be humiliated in my own eyes!"
2 Sam 6:22 (NLT)

i will become even more undignified than this. i will lay my pride by my side because i love my Savior with all of my heart.

Anonymous said...

See...this is what you get when the government stops subsidising mental health care.

Amanda said...

great imagery! :) keep shining girl!